What are our attendees saying?

August 6, 2020
COA is gooooood, goood...
Sheev Palpatine
Emperor · Galactic Empire
December 31, 1969
Ever since I stumbled upon Yoga Nidra with Argentina I look forward to the break in my day and the recharge I feel after her class. Thoroughly enjoy it!
Veronica Vacca-konzen
December 31, 1969
2020 Was a very stressful and frightening time. Especially from mid-March on. I was required to go to work daily, most were not. I felt very isolated, I wasn’t sure how the virus was contracted and information changed like greased lightning. I found COA to be a port in the storm. One day/week, I was connected to people and it felt normal-ish and welcome. I apple what you do and the learning that has come with it.
Peg Bedard
AARP Discounts
December 31, 1969
When the pandemic started, I was floundering. COA has given me focus, and tools I can put into practice. I have been able to understand the "whys" or the psychology behind some behaviors, and that has helped me to deal with them. The latest information about conflict, has helped me a few times.
Jennifer Walter
December 31, 1969
I’ve been taking weekly barre classes every Thursday morning. This holds me accountable and helps to keep me focused on my well being. I have also taken classes to teach me how to better handle the balance of working from home while my kids are learning from home as well. My kids have also taken advantage of the kids club. This has been so helpful to them as they are not able to spend time with friends anymore.
Amanda Saccuzzo
The Walt Disney Company
December 31, 1969
I looked forward to Thursdays and the classes provided to help me stay in shape, stay focused and learn. Each session was better than the next. To see employees from all over the world was great as well.
Elaine Schwartz
BASF Corporation
December 31, 1969
There are numerous interesting classes posted on COA and I've taken quite a few. I really enjoy the Wellness portion of the website.
Susan Paparelli
Bank of America Alumni
December 31, 1969
In teaching my kids new skills in different subjects. Giving my kids ways to interact with others while at home.
Yuniva Reyes
Children's Health
December 31, 1969
It has been a true blessing to have some dance classes to attend in the wake of this pandemic. Even though gyms are open, being high risk I am unable to attend. It is also great to have videos available to do other days of the week.
Renee Vecchio
Wipro US
December 31, 1969
COA has helped me stay healthy and positive during this challenging time. It has been so vital to have something to look forward to each week. I have learned and grown so much personally and professionally, and I've had a great time while doing so.
Jenny Rosenberg
December 31, 1969
2020 Was a very stressful and frightening time. Especially from mid-March on. I was required to go to work daily, most were not. I felt very isolated, I wasn’t sure how the virus was contracted and information changed like greased lightning. I found COA to be a port in the storm. One day/week, I was connected to people and it felt normal-ish and welcome. I apple what you do and the learning that has come with it.
Margaret Bedard
December 31, 1969
Mitchell Wayne's online dance exercise classes have provided a great way to have some fun and be healthy during this crazy time.
Susan Richardson
December 31, 1969
The exercise classes have been good for both mind and body. I have been able to try many different classes. Dancing with Mitchell is something I do with my daughter when she is home from college and it was a good mood lifter. I do take a lot of Allies classes and have try some of the other yoga and pilates offering as well a few of the other fitness classes . I am unable to go to the gym because I am a heart patient (so no gym for me even when they reopened) and being able to exercise and continue with my fitness regiment has been beyond words. I don't know what I would of done without the COA program. The self help classes are also interesting and I have attended a few of them. I really like the video library and have utilized it and will during the holiday break.
Andrea Guenzel
The Electrochemical Society
December 31, 1969
It has been wonderful to have something new, fun, & educational to look forward to each week. I love the variety of classes, everything from coping to building your brand, to cooking and exercise.
Wendee Mccoy
December 31, 1969
I have participated in the leadership series and I always walk away with a golden nugget. Things that make me re-think something. Other times suggestions on how to approach a situation, etc.
Julie Ruiz
Perks at Work
December 31, 1969
I am not used to working from home and do not have the proper set-up. I ended up at the orthopedic doctor because I could no longer put my left hand behind my back and could not longer put a right sock on. I went through PT and had an MRI. The COA classes helped me to get moving at home and focus on the areas that are causing me problems. The exercises offered by Allie are some of the same performed during PT. I am still having issue but I can at least get my left arm behind my back put I still need to work to get it a little higher up the back. I can put on a sock without too much pain in the right hip and groan and turning it into a complicated maneuver.
Paula Young
December 31, 1969
It helps me stay engaged both physically and mentally. From the exercise classes to the leadership and self-help classes, it has been a great perk in a difficult time. The video aspect makes you feel connected and it's neat to see those around the world. I look forward to it every week and the video hub is nice.
J.d. Collado
December 31, 1969
I was hesitant to join an online exercise class, but finally decided to give it a try when I saw the offering for TaiJiFit. It has been a great experience and wish I'd started sooner. It has been a positive experience to learn something new, do something that feels really healthy and good for me and the meditative aspect of this class is a great stress reliever.
Sharon Jeffries
December 31, 1969
COA has helped keep me on track/thinking about keeping up my fitness regimen, and more importantly, has helped de-stress me by using the meditation classes! Love those!
Sharon Ruger
December 31, 1969
COA has been a big help in 2020 by providing a group exercise class for me to enjoy. Early on, I found a wonderful Pilates class and the continuity of being able to return week after week really helped. I am used to taking ballet in a studio with friends and the same ballet teacher weekly, so the Pilates class was the next best thing and helped me to weather the pandemic.
Mary Gray
G6 Hospitality
December 31, 1969
COA helped me stay more healthy by offering exercise classes and helped engage my 5 year old son by offering various Thursday and kids club classes.
Yang Huang
AllianceBernstein LP
December 31, 1969
It really did help build a sense of community and common purpose during a time when we were mostly working from home and isolated from our coworkers and friends.
Margaret Lorenzetti
AARP Discounts
July 30, 2020
December 31, 1969
COA helped me stay more healthy by offering exercise classes and helped engage my 5 year old son by offering various Thursday and kids club classes.
Yang Huang
JPMorgan Chase
December 31, 1969
I am grateful for the live classes and videos. My son who has intellectual disability has been attending the live classes and I have been adding video exercise classes to his weekly schedule. Normally, he would have been attending an adult day care program but with some of them closed or at reduced capacity and because of the pandemic, he has to stay home. Thanks for sharing COA freely.
Maria Villagracia
Perks at Work
December 31, 1969
I've gotten a lot out of the variety of fitness classes. I have enjoyed trying new activities. I take one live class a week and use the video hub a lot in between.
Catherine Graetzer
December 31, 1969
It has provided me with a way to interact with others. It has given me an outlet to exercise both my mind and body in the privacy of my home.
Diane Shaffer
December 31, 1969
It has helped me keep up and actually improve my exercise routine and given me fun opportunities to dance with my kids!
Gena Barnhart
December 31, 1969
I have enjoyed meditation, Pilates and a guest speaker. I found great joy and comfort in a routine in this ever changing year. I especially enjoyed the sense of community that spans the world. The positivity and truly caring individuals that are a part of COA have been amazing! Looking forward to 2021 with COA!!
Michelle Wrobel
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
December 31, 1969
The wellness class helped me make the transition to work at home more successful by keeping me moving. I have taken the evening Pilates class from April to December maybe missing every 4th or 5th class. I would then do Allie Duffy's recorded class. About November a yoga class was offered at 1 p.m. MT that I could work into my schedule. I find it difficult to commit to classes during my work shift (7:30-4:30 MT) as work would cause last minute cancellations. The classes have help me to remember good posture in the work at home environment. Once I started the COA classes, I reduced my aches from working/sitting. I do prefer in person classes which are not possible this year.
Donna Lawhorn
December 31, 1969
Is been a wonderful change of pace with many options there have been many. I tend to choose motivational speakers but I wanted to expand that fir a change. I took some cooking and did yoga nidra a few times. I enjoyed them all
Jean Mosher
Wyndham Hotels & Resorts US
December 31, 1969
It really did help build a sense of community and common purpose during a time when we were mostly working from home and isolated from our coworkers and friends.
Margaret Lorenzetti
AARP Discounts
December 31, 1969
It has provided me with a way to interact with others. It has given me an outlet to exercise both my mind and body in the privacy of my home.
Diane Shaffer
December 31, 1969
I look forward to Thursdays every week because of COA - it is now my designated "me day" where I will prioritize many of the courses being offered over work (supported by my company, of course). Thank you so much for turning this into a bright spot during such a crazy year!
Kori Keane-bautista
December 31, 1969
My children have enjoyed the interaction with the other kids. The classes are loads of fun!
Jennifer Holder
December 31, 1969
I felt that using COA during the long periods of isolation due to covid helped me both physically and mentally.
Mary Defalco
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
December 31, 1969
I felt that using COA during the long periods of isolation due to covid helped me both physically and mentally.
Mary St. John
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
December 31, 1969
The Leadership in Practice seminars are first rate! I've learned so much about leadership and apply it every day.
Stefan Gessler
Insight Global
December 31, 1969
Is been a wonderful change of pace with many options there have been many. I tend to choose motivational speakers but I wanted to expand that fir a change. I took some cooking and did yoga nidra a few times. I enjoyed them all
Jean Mosher
Wyndham Destinations US
December 31, 1969
It has helped me keep up and actually improve my exercise routine and given me fun opportunities to dance with my kids!
Gena Barnhart
December 31, 1969
Your classes truly raised my spirits.. I felt cared-for by your kind instructors, especially Liam, Christine, Peter & Argentina.
Rhoda Binda, Esq.
WOW Perks
December 31, 1969
I'd have gone NUTS, truly. I have been in isolation with SIP since our office sent us home on March 12th. I haven't socialized, haven't gone out, barely outside to/from car to get food or the rare trip to the hardware store/post office. I feel like one of the few following protocol when I see maddening scenes on the news of people congregating in bars, parties, etc. Being able to exercise my mind, body, and spirit by taking COA classes has been a godsend. I am not only able to exercise all aspects of myself, but I able to engage with other like-minded people. I have spent more time with the instructors and other attendees, than I have with friends or co-workers. COA has truly been a lifeline for me, and I say that w/o exaggeration. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this available to us!
Bianca Jacinto
Arden Realty
December 31, 1969
There are numerous interesting classes posted on COA and I've taken quite a few. I really enjoy the Wellness portion of the website.
Susan Paparelli
AARP Discounts
December 31, 1969
COA has created a workout schedule for me to try activities that I would have never tried on my own, such as Boxing with Mike Stedman and Pilates with Allie Duffy. I found that the instructor makes all the difference in the world and have enjoyed how they have refined their techniques over time.
Laura Iwasaki
The Walt Disney Company
December 31, 1969
Online content to learn and exercise. I had no idea it existed until just recently. Such a nice benefit for employees!
Suzanne Reddie
Global Payments
December 31, 1969
Loved taking the difference exercise throughout the year. I have enjoyed doing different type of workouts that I had not tried in the past. Every Thursday it gave me a break during the day to stop and gather my thoughts and refresh my body. Loved the nutrition class also. It gave me thoughts of how I can help my self feel and eat better.
Marie Mckenney
Gap, Inc.
December 31, 1969
COA has helped by providing opportunities for me to relieve stress and have fun through the Hip Hop Dance Series. As well as offering workshops for me to attend, like Why Procrastinators Procrastinate: Staying Engaged in the "New Normal" of COVID and the Information Disorder Workshop.
Raquel Hightower
December 31, 1969
I recently lost my husband to covid my sister is now in the hospital non related to covid . So I'm now taking care of her three kids my two kids who are 12 and 8 months .Coa has help my a lot help me feel also I am not alone now that we are home all the give me that opportunity to have conversation with adults since I'm with kids all the time .
Bianchi Torres
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
December 31, 1969
I look forward to Thursdays every week because of COA - it is now my designated "me day" where I will prioritize many of the courses being offered over work (supported by my company, of course). Thank you so much for turning this into a bright spot during such a crazy year!
Kori Keane-Bautista
December 31, 1969
It has been wonderful to take these breaks during the day and have the opportunity to take these classes for free after work (or during work if my meeting and work schedule can be adjusted). I wish I had used the recordings more and strive to over the break so I can utilize this wonderful resource of COA on a day other than Thursday (the heaviest meeting day of my week). I am so thankful to have this resource and to be able to use it to expand my horizons on the types of exercise classes I do and try.
Jennifer Steele
Department of the Interior
December 31, 1969
I live in a 55 and over gated community, our club and GYM has been closed since March 13th 2020. It is so wonderful to be able to take classes COA.
Bernadette Bloch
December 31, 1969
COA has help sharpen the Leadership skills that I knew I had. The LIP class, subsequent classes with guess speakers, just speak to who you are and who you want to be and COA is giving us the tools to make it happen. For that I am truly grateful and happy to be apart of a team that truly cares about personal development.
Tiffany Royal-wright
December 31, 1969
All of the live classes have been great. Liam Pfeiffer from "Breath & Body" is very calming. Peter Chiarchiaro from "Nutrition..." is very knowledgeable and has created a great community regarding nutrition and health. There are a few others that I have view not live, but only due to time constraints.
Christine Armstrong
Port of Seattle
December 31, 1969
The classes have given me something enjoyable to look forward to every week. I have learned a lot from a number of the topics. A number of the military speakers have been exceptional.
Penny Ewoldsen
DXC Technology US
December 31, 1969
It has given me something to look forward to during the weeks of monotony. I have especially enjoyed how many classes focus on improving ourselves. Being home gives us time to rethink our lives so I feel the COA has been ultra timely. Thursdays are my favorite day because of COA.
Rebecca Black
December 31, 1969
When lockdown started there were a ton of virtual/IG/FB events happening. Gradually those tapered off to subscription based services and pay per class. I love that all COA classes are free and the classes are consistent. It's very rare that a class gets cxld. I look forward to Thursdays. I take exercise classes mainly. I love having the classes to see other people who are experiencing the same thing across the world!
Julie Barber
Gap, Inc.
December 31, 1969
I was glad to see that you offered so many varied classes to assist people with getting thru the quarantines and COVID by getting them back into working out, helping them start projects, or their overall mental health.
Etienne Bennett
WOW Perks
December 31, 1969
When the pandemic hit and everything shut down there was an overwhelming feeling of dread. My back hurt, I was struggling. The classes have been a source of escape, of joining a community and working out together. I look forward to live classes on Thursday but always know I can watch a recorded one. It has been a weekly outing so to speak for me. I never want to miss it.
Jill Fernandez
December 31, 1969
I've loved the feeling of community through the Zoom meetings. My boys and I have enjoyed the variety of classes offered. I especially liked Pilates with Allie, some of the personal growth classes and the kids basketball classes.
Sandy Edds
December 31, 1969
Its a great initiative during this pandemic to help people rejuvenate at home. Me and my family enjoyed the Education, Physical exercise and various therapy sessions.
Balachander Ravindran
Wipro US
December 31, 1969
I have used quite a few classes for me, my husband and my daughter. There were some that were really good and I have made it a point to attend those regularly. I love this and I have shared it with my family and friends as well.
Ranipremalatha Karuppiah
Flagstar Bank
December 31, 1969
It gave me something to look forward to each week. Loved the variety of classes offered, the instructors have such wonderful energy to keep us motivated during these trying times.
Sindee Manson
CSC Alumni
December 31, 1969
At a time when it's difficult to go places and socialize, it's nice to be able to take COA classes where people from all over are participating, so you don't feel so alone.
Michelle Beauchesne
December 31, 1969
COA has been really great, especially due to the pandemic, as it provided an outlet that was not only educational but fun and active. My company is one that was fortunate in that we were able to have our employees work from home. Working from home brings its own set of challenges for many and COA has provided techniques and tools that I was able to communicate with team members and co-workers on how to adapt to working at home. For those colleagues with children, I informed them of the classes that were geared specifically for children yet would also appeal to teens and adults as well - such as the Chinese for beginners. The children's classes provided them with much needed tools to help their children through these times as COA not only provide the children with fun and educational classes but also with classes that would keep them active during periods of lockdown. In addition, this time has been stressful for many not only financially but mentally as well. The classes
Kristen Curcuru
December 31, 1969
I look forward to Thursday COA classes. The variety of classes have given me since of community and well being. I have been exposed to topics that I would not have normally taken the time to explore. The instructors/speakers are knowledgeable and want each participant to get the most from their class. Thank you for offering such a great service.
Wendy Wooten
Pitt Community College